Rejinpaul lic important questions 2018
Rejinpaul lic important questions 2018

rejinpaul lic important questions 2018

Illustrate the process of structuring the data using lists, tuples and dictionaries.

rejinpaul lic important questions 2018 rejinpaul lic important questions 2018

Learn the syntax and semantics of Python programming language.WebCourse Learning Objectives:This course (18CS55) will enable students to. vtu notes cbcs vtu hub apps on google play web all the notes are arranged with module wise and with syllabus feature to help theĢ018 Scheme Computer Science and Engineering VTU CBCS Notes With a schematic diagram explain the braking control system with object interaction? Unit V Explain the working of tyre pressure control system with the help of its layout What is G.P.S? How this system enhances the convenience of a passenger car? Give the construction and working principles of control locking system Describe the features of central locking, rain sensor system with a neat sketch.Webweb vtu notes of all semester download in pdf form 2021 scheme of 1st 2nd p and c cycle 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th and 8th semester of all branches of vtu updates. Explain in detail the rear vehicle object detection system with neat sketch How does object detection in front and rear help in collision avoidance? Explain with examples. Briefly explain the construction and working principles of ABS system. List cut the passive safety equipment used in a modern car and with the aid sketches, explain any two of them Explain the construction and working principles of air bag with electronic activating system Unit IV Name the various gadgets used for collision warning and explain the working of any two them. Explain the concept of driving safety and conditional safety in detail Unit III With a schematic diagram explain the concept of bumper design for safety With the aid of a circuit diagram, explain an electronic activating system for deployment of air bag and the working of the air bag system. With a neat sketch explain the deformation behaviour of vehicle body Explain in detail the speed and acceleration characteristics of passenger compartment on impact with the relevant sketches. Unit II Give the broad classification of active safety systems and explain them in detail.

rejinpaul lic important questions 2018

Discuss the concept of crumble zone and its effects on safety Explain the Deceleration on impact with stationary and movable obstacle with neat sketch Briefly explain the concept of safety sandwich construction. 4.ĪT6011 Automotive Safety Unit I Explain in details the various aspects of designing a passenger car body for safety. Anna University Exams Nov / Dec 2016 – Regulation 2013 Unique Important Questions – 7th Semester BE/BTECH 1.

Rejinpaul lic important questions 2018